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Indulge your mind, face and soul in our exclusive Hunnii* Skincare facial. From start to finish, your skin will be nourished with natural plant oils and infused crystal micro formations. Healing and rebalancing for up to 42 hours after. Perfect for all ages and skin types. An absolute healing experience. Target: Heal/Balance

Recommended Weekly 60 minutes 


New Zealand renowned Atopis* Natural Skincare facial. Infuse your skin with Atopis®. Powered from within” by The Myrecil® Ingredient. Myrecil works with your body’s in-built cellular defence and renewal systems, resetting your skin so it can renew and restore itself. This is the true source of lasting skin health. and Our Staff pick. 5 star ***** in reversing cell damage.


Our most exclusive active, anti aging and glassy skin facial. Skin brightening Skin IQ* Pumpkin Peel, Vitamins A B C serums and AHA jelly mask that penetrate and resurface your skin whilst gently leaving a fresh new glaze. The selfie must have.
Target:  Anti Aging/Glaze

Recommended 5 weeks 60 minutes

Proud to endorse and use 

Skin Therapist

Formulated and New Zealand 


Natural Skincare 

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