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Renee' Taylor

'Invest in yourself'
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Peace & Greetings to you all. 

Iam Renee' Taylor

The oracle vessel for Light Source Energy

I have the gift of seeing, feeling, hearing and connecting to many realms.

Past, Present and Future. Blessed & gifted with insights, predictions and connections to loved ones.

I have been able to learn to live with my gifts and vow to my higher consciousness to live in service to all who have come to earth.

Remembering my blueprint was easy as i have come to share Love, Light and Insight

It is my intuitive delight to be able to hold space for as many as I can on my worldwide mission.

Feel free to connect with me via my contacts.

May the sun always warm your soul and may we come together to hold a sacred space for you

Love and light

Reneé  xox


Offerings are

- Connection Sessions

- Direction Session 

- Healing Session 

and more please click here for a full list with pricing

Follow for events I attend and festivals near you. May we meet xx 

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'Mystic since birth I connect with energies through prayer, crystals and cards. I have had the blessing

to live with both the spirit world and earth world in this life and would love to connect with you and for you as well It is my soul purpose to weave our worlds together in love and unity.'


Thanks for submitting!

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